Sunday, September 16, 2007

This Film is Not Yet Rated

This Film is Not Yet Rated is a great view into how film ratings and distribution systems can turn into film censorship. The film maker speaks with several directors whose works which have been victims of the MPAA's ratings board, and how they work with that system.

First off, this film shows the hypocrisy of the ratings board very successfully, though obviously you may not get all the details. In one section of the film, for example, scenes from R rated movies depicting heterosexual sex acts appeared on one side of the screen, and eerily similar scenes from NC-17 movies depicting homosexual sex acts appeared on the other. This part of the movie was meant to show that the ratings board is somewhat homophobic, and while I'm willing to believe that, I can't just take it on this scene. How am I supposed to know that the specific love acts depicted in the NC-17 movies were the parts of those movies which gave them the rating? Perhaps later in that movie something else happens which is not familiar to the R rated counterpart which redeems the NC-17 rating.

The filmmaker also hires some private eyes to find out the identities of the ratings board, who are supposed to be anonymous. Through the work of the private eyes, we find out that few of the rules which are supposed to govern the ratings board are actually held to.

This is a great film for anyone who wants to work in the film industry or wants to know more about movies.

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